This post is E with an afternoon of stamping with her large foam stamps. We had not gotten these kind stamps out since E was about two. My girls go through phases of what they like to do and foam stamps were short lived around here. While rearranging our Art Studio to make room for my sewing station (since I will now sew all day while they are in school) E found materials that had not been used in a while.
Foam stamping is an easy rewarding process for young children but it can be a bit messy. We use tempera paint for our large foam stamps they offer vivid colors,they are washable and cheap.The particular stamp style E used is available at Lakeshore Learning Stores as well as tempera paints.
When the girls were little I liked the large foam stamps because of their size which enables small hands to easily stamp with them. For children 4 and up we prefer using rubber stamps and ink pads and M and E like the more concise results. M likes using rubber stamps to create birthday cards and thank you cards E likes to just stamp pictures and draw scenery around the stamps.
Sew all day? I love it! Can't wait to see what kind of beautiful creations you'll be making. Happy crafting, mama!
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