

I don't know about you but we not only borrow books from the library but we also buy a lot of books. With Target having them so cheap, Arc (local thrift store) selling them at 69 cents and Barnes and Noble being my addiction, one accumulates. The great thing though is that we love to loan our books out to friends but with books going in so many directions sometimes I forget who borrowed what.
So I am finally getting around to labeling the kids books with our last name for easier identification. I found the loveliest labels to print for FREE and the girls love the graphics.The labels are provided by We Love to Illustrate. Check out their site they have many other great free printables. Make sure to select multiple printing on your print screen as the image comes up as a full page item.


Just print them onto full label sheets available at Office Depot

We also have a sheet in our kitchen where we write who borrowed what but if we forget to write one down oh well no big deal.
Did you know that if a child reads
12 books during the summer he or she may gain a reading level.
06 books will maintain the current reading level.
Our local library gives you the best ideas on what to read and appropriate content.

Happy Reading!

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